
Showing posts from October, 2012
HOW TO IGNITE THE LOST SPARK IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP Has your relationship turned into a boring routine?  Dull and not as exciting like the good early days? O.k. your relationship may not be that worse to be called “boring” but still you need ways to ignite some romantic excitement into your relationship right? Here are some things you can do to get some romantic sparks back into your relationship. Do it and I assure you that your girlfriend or boyfriend will appreciate it. Here they are: Use her/his picture as your cell-phone’s wall paper. Write him/her a poem. Take long walks together Memorize some of the greatest love poems ever written and recite it to him/her Give him/her a list: “the top-ten reason why I love you. For every year you’ve known her, give her a flower for it. Call her when you know she won’t be around and leave a love message on her answering machine. Buy him or her copy of their favourite DVD or magazine. Send her a cak...
10 BELIEFS THAT PREVENTS YOU FROM GETTING RICH At one point in your life, you may ask yourself why other people are so successful with money when you are not. Depending on how closely you look, you will have several answers. Do these sound familiar? v   They're just luckier than I am v   They have a better education than I do v   They were born into a rich family v   They are white and have better opportunities than I do v   They already had the money to start a business v   They already had the money to invest in real estate v   They are smarter than I am v   They are younger than I am v   They look better than I do v   They probably work harder than I do The list probably continues to fill several pages. Money is the topic that generates the most beliefs, followed by the topic of relationship. I once led a seminar where we investigated people's beliefs about money. After only 30 minutes we came up with three ful...


A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed at home. He wanted her to see what he went through each day, so he prayed:- "Dear Lord, I go to work every day and put in 8 hours of hard work, while my wife merely stays at home. I want her to know what I go through, so please create a trade in our bodies". God, in His infinite wisdom, granted the man's wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man awoke as a woman. He arose, cooked breakfast for his mate, awakened the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches, drove them to school, came home . . . picked up the dry cleaning, took it to the cleaners and stopped at the bank ATM to withdraw money to pay the electricity, water and telephone bills. He drove to the electricity company and the phone company and paid the bills, went grocery shopping, came home and put away the groceries. He cleaned the dog's litter box and bathed the dog. By then it was alre...


WHAT MEN NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WOMEN & ATTRACTION I'd like to tell you a story... It's a story that you might find strangely familiar. Don't be alarmed. Once upon a time , there was a man who was very attracted to a particular woman. At first, she was just another attractive woman... but the more he got to know her, the more he began to feel attracted to her... and the more time he spent with her, the more that attraction grew into a deep emotional attachment and affection for her. But there was one problem. As his emotional attachment grew stronger and stronger, he also grew more and more insecure. Why? Because he couldn't tell whether or not she felt the same way towards him. Sometimes she would say things like "You are so important to me" and "I'm glad that you're in my life"... but nothing ever progressed past the "friendship" stage. There was an occasional hug, smile from her... and once she even he...