Sex Positions for Dialing Back Stress and Anxiety
When you're under pressure or fending off panic, it's tough to even get in the mood to get under the sheets, let alone get your body mentally primed for an O. But putting off sex because you're too stressed and anxious is no way to live as your partner might really want it then. These six expert-backed positions are designed to restore your calm, connect you deeper to your partner, and take you to a zen place where insanely pleasurable orgasms will happen (and happen again, and again). Don’t rush into them—take a few minutes to get yourself in the moment, say by breathing in sync with your partner while relaxing in bed. Feel the tension and panic melt away...then get started. 1. Yab yum This Tantra-derived position allows partners to merge and focus on each other, "which can take you out of the many stresses of life,” Have your partner sit cross-legged, then sit in their lap facing them, your legs wrapped around their lower back and your arms around each other. From th...